Ahead of the Game (1.2)

None of my buttons are showing up, and it’s kind of weirding me out.


See? I have to go by hovering-over-them and having them tell me what they are. That shall not stop me from writing, however!

Last time, Exra went to Egypt and met and fell in love with Mena Lufti, started on his adventuring, almost cheated on Mena with her sister, and then went home. Really, not a lot happened in Egypt. But it was mainly for spouse-hunting anyway. This time, more will happen – I think. As long as it doesn’t cost me points, I’m happy.


We start this time with Exra arriving back in Isla Paradiso and taking a taxi boat home. This neighborhood is so beautiful (and so glitchy)~!


As soon as he gets home, he calls Mena to come visit.

Exra: “Hello, Mena? Yes, it’s me, Exra. .. hi, love. Want to come visit me here? … great, see you then!”

She’ll be here at 9 AM the next morning – quick, have dinner and go to bed!

Exra: Yes, yes, alright.


Exra: Hmmmhmhmmmm.. got to brush my teeth. After three days in the desert, my mouth feels like IT is the desert.

Yes yes fine, but go to bed SOON. I want her here! *whine*


Exra: “Zzzzzz.. so nice to sleep in a house.. zzzz..”

Oh yeah. I forgot you hadn’t gotten to sleep in your own house yet… hahaha.. ha..

And then to make me irritated, he purposefully makes my game take forever to get through his night. I just know he did it on purpose.

Exra: I admit nothing!


OKAY WHOA SERIOUS NO, DUDE, WTF, THAT FACE IS SCARY AS CRAP. *hides face* Are you POSSESSED?! Where are Sam and Dean when you need them?

Exra: Heheheheheheheheh..


Let’s pay the bills, waste some time before she gets here..

Exra: Bah.. I’ve been in my house for less than a day, I shouldn’t have BILLS already..

Too bad so sad. Also, I see you have a tattoo.

Exra: Yes. It gives me character.

Oh believe me, you have plenty of character.


I don’t know if she’s comiiiiiiiing! ;-; Exra, she’s not here yet and it’s almost ten!

Exra: Relax, if she’s not here today she’ll be here tomorrow.

That’s one more day closer to your DEATH.

Exra: You.. are high strung.

Doorbell: DINGDONG



Exra: “Welcome to my humble abode, my love.”

Mena: “Oh how nice. It seems very warm, like home.”

(I disabled winter and snow, not because I dislike them but because I want it to be more realistic to a tropical climate. Also, summer is extra long, fall is barely there, and spring is pretty long too.)


And then I realize there are no romantic options except this and I get irritated. Guess I’ll have to ask her to move in before they can get married or anything. ._.


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Exra: “I really like having a new house.”

Mena: “Yes, it seems like a nice house.”

Exra: “Did you know the Altos are filthy rich?”

Mena: “I have no idea who they are..”

Exra: “Oh. Well, do you want to move in with me?”

Mena: “Oh, sure, why not!”


Game: WHAT? WHAT? Things are going smoothly and she accepted?! NO NO NO, she’s supposed to be the special merchant FOREVER! EXRA GLITCHES. *spazzes out*



Exra: “That was weird, suddenly I was in the middle of the ocean, and now I’m back here. Where was I? Oh yes, will you move in with me?”


Mena: “Why, yes, I would love to! All Layla talks about is some mystery man she met the other day that hasn’t spoken to her since, and I’m tired of hearing about it.”

Exra: “Ah… haha, ha. Sounds terrible.”

*waits for game to spazz* … *game doesn’t spazz* YAY!

So Mena joins the family. She is artistic, a couch potato, has a good sense of humor, is hot-headed, and a light sleeper. Her favorites are indie, stu surprise, and black. She is a Scorpio, and has 44 days until she’s an elder. Her LTW is Master of the Arts. Looks-wise, she’s not great, but I really don’t have time to be picky, here. We’ll have more time to be picky for the next TH.

Speaking of time..

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They get a move on babymaking before they can literally do anything else. Did I hear a jingle? Yes I did! Generation 2 is on its way already!

Now that that’s over, I’ll give her a makeover.


GAH. I don’t remember where I saved. *gets upset*

*doesn’t play for over a month*

*comes back*


Well, I have graduated from my community college now and have a month and a half until I go to my new college, so I figure now is a good time to come back and see where I saved last. I think I saved after she moved in.. I hope..

*checks* … nope! The last time I saved was in Egypt.. :c

fast forward time, saving every few minutes-

Everything happened exactly the same way, except they did manage to woohoo once before he left Egypt, and I had Layla move in with them this time.. because I’m dumb and like drama. c:


Exra: “I have a strange feeling of deja vu.”

Mena: “Me too. But I also have some news for you..”

Exra: “Okay.. and what is that?”

Mena: “I.. have a boyfriend… because you were gone for so long, and I needed a father figure..”

Exra: “What do you mean?”

Mena: “You remember that time before you left..”


Mena: “You got me pregnant. We have a daughter.”

Exra: “Ah.. ahhh?”


Mena: “And she’s still in Egypt.”

Exra: “…”

Well this is one way to get ahead in my challenge I guess? o.o

*uses Mena’s one adult action to invite her other sister and her boyfriend over*

I don’t know where Amal is living, so.. yeah. This is going to be a chore, trying to get her home.

Exra: Can I break up with her since she cheated on me?

Yeah, soon. Then you can keep Amal and start dating Layla. It all works out! Thanks for being weird and getting me a little bit ahead of the game, game! Here I thought this was going to take forever. XD

Since Mena is going to be dumped and Layla is going to be the actual wifey, I will just style Layla. If my game doesn’t crash again. *saves just in case*

*game crashes*

Glad I saved.. no more makeovers for me until I get this sorted out, then.


Here’s Layla! Getting her job in politics. Hopefully I’m allowed to do that, since it’s allowed in normal ISBIs? Since it’s not in the rules, I won’t take off points.. yet. Feel free to tell me if it’s against the rules and I will quickly take off the points for both her and Mena!

Oh, since she’s going to be the actual spouse, rather than Mena, I should introduce her, huh? She’s Layla Lufti, and she has 45 days until she ages up into the adult life stage, so she’s quite a lot younger than Mena. She is flirty, excitable, great kissernever nude, and a vegetarian. Her favorites are Electronica, cookies, and spice brown. She’s an Aries. Her LTW is Golden Tongue, Golden Fingers, which makes me believe she will not complete it.

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Since now we’re just waiting on what’s-his-face and the third Lufti sister to get here so we can move in Amal (HOPEFULLY, I don’t want to have to go to Egypt and cheat her into the household, but if it comes to that, I will sacrifice the points to get the child!), Exra works out and the sisters are left to their own devices.

Layla: “Oh, Mena’s playing the guitar! I must go heckle her.”

I swear that’s all the sisters do, heckle each other.

Also, that second picture is a gorgeous shot. Unfortunately I know I’ll have to move them soon, Isla Paradiso is already killing my game.


Look at this amazing woman! Look! She’s cleaning up after Exra! And herself, but still.

Exra, go get friendly with her, you’re going to have to woo her eventually.

Exra: Yes, yes, I realize. Just be patient.


Bu-bu-bu-bu-bu-BUT. You weren’t gay before! And, and you have a male romantic interest back in Egypt!

Exra: I can turn any woman’s head, you shall see..

No you can’t, once she’s gay she’ll stop accepting any sort of romantic-


.. interactions. Guess maybe she literally was just going through a phase..

Layla: “Oh, a lesbian, me? No, no, I was just saying that so Mena would be willing to let me come live here.. with you..”

Exra: “Oooooh.. that.. that makes me want to…”



Exra: “MMMMphphphmmm!”

Layla: O.O


Layla: “HOW DARE YOU? I’m easy but I’m not THAT easy, you jerk! My sister is JUST OUTSIDE! If you want to kiss me, BREAK UP WITH HER FIRST!”

Exra: “But.. you just said.. and…” Women confuse me. :c

It’s okay, you’re just an idiot. Go to bed now.

Exra: If you insist..


Wow, both sisters are great with the cleaning. Unlike Exra.

Exra: Zzzzz, sleeping, can’t hear you.

I gotta say, I think I’ll be happy with either one!


Although, Mena’s more entertaining. While the other two went straight to bed, she jammed late into the night and the wee hours of the morning.

Finally, at 5:50 AM, she went to bed, and no one had any pass-outs or accidents yet.

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And then they had an otherworldly visitor. Her name is Ghoel Xoxxaw.

Exra: “Greetings, madam alien. My name is Exra D’Amore, and I would love to get to know you better..”

Don’t say that, now she’s probably going to take that as an invitation..

Exra: But it is an invitation?

To probe you and make you pregnant?

Exra: WHAT?! That is preposterous!

It’s what they do!

Ghoel: Do not worry strange voice and man! I prefer the humans with the chest mountains. I heard you had two of them, I would like to make their acquaintance.

… you’re gay, too? My game likes lesbians. Also, how can you talk to me? I’m only supposed to be able to talk directly with Exra and his heirs.

Ghoel: Alien technology! Now I must leave, I was just, ah.. meeting and greeting.

Yeeeah, we’ll probably be seeing you again tonight, won’t we?


Exra: There is an Egyptian man on my porch. What do I do?

The same thing you did with Mena?

Exra: I will not kiss him!

That’s not what I meant.. invite him inside.

Exra: Oh, yes. Quite right.


Exra: Why is there another one?

Because I need to get Amal! You have a potential heir still in Egypt, and I WANT HER.

Exra: *sigh* “Oh hello there, you must be Aisha. You are just as lovely, if not lovelier, than your sisters.”

Aisha: “Oh, hehehe.. you ARE charming.”


And so starts the friendly spam just so I can find out if I can move in Amal through them. I hope so. If not, to Egypt so I can cheat the child into the household and lose points!

Exra: “I am so sore from working out yesterday..”

Aisha: “OH, you think you’re sore? I was just on a plane for too many hours with THAT seat hogger, I feel like I could snap in half!”

Helmi and Mena: *sit in awkward silence*


I don’t normally take pictures of never nude bathers, but Layla has to put her own spin on it. She doesn’t bathe in her swimsuit, oh no, she bathes in her.. I’m not sure, actually, because she slept in this outfit, too. I am beginning to wonder if she’s secretly insane.

Layla: *sings Egyptian songs and bashes her head through the wall*


So, I got Aisha and Exra to the point of being friends, and there was no option for her to move in. So I left her alone and had Exra get a job, because he doesn’t have enough money to get back to Egypt, and stupid Mena didn’t go to work.

Layla chats with Aisha, and I hope that they chat enough to get to the friendly point so I can use Layla’s action on that. Wishful thinking on my part, but eh.

Oh! And Exra is now a lifeguard because what ELSE would he be?

Also, Helmi is a huge jerk. He doesn’t do “friendly” interactions, he does mean ones.

And it’s a full moon.


YESSSSSSS THEY CHATTED LONG ENOUGH. The action came up! And she said YES! And Amal lives with her, so WE HAVE THE CHILD!

*does a dance*

Yes yes yes yes yessss!


And the poor girl has her face stuck in some guy’s butt. Go home, Amal, that’s very, very much stranger danger.

Amal: “Mmmphhmmm.”

Montel: “.. contrary to what you may believe, kid, I don’t like this very much either. Please.. move.”

*saves game so I can go into stylist to get a picture of Amal*


Awww, she’s a cutie! She looks so much like Exra, but with Mena’s hair and skin! But I am going to try to style her so she’s not stuck in that awful, hot sweater on a tropical island.

It seems to be working with her.. something about the YA and A women makes it glitch up. Hm.

I.. forgot to check her favorites, so I’ll just give her blues and greens.


So here’s our first potential heir, and she’s only 11 days from being a teen! Wow! She’s probably going to be my next torch holder simply because Exra should last until she’s an adult..

Anyway. Amal Lufti! She is a computer whizhot-headed like her Mom, and a light sleeper. That won’t come in handy. Her favorites are Beach party music, stu surprise, and lilac. She is a Libra.

Amal: “This house seems nice. Too bad I don’t know either my Mom or my Dad. Or my aunts..”

Oh. Poor girl.. she has no friends. We’ll change that.


Exra: You know.. I have a harem.

No you don’t. Two of the women will be moving out soon.

Exra: I could just keep them and get them all pregnant..

No, that’s disgusting you old pervert.

Exra: It was just a thought. Anyway, I hate that beau of Mena’s. He stole my bed so now I must sacrifice the sleeping bags for the ladies and sleep on the couch.

Yeah, it’s just for tonight, tomorrow you can tell him to get lost.


Exra: “Well, Helmi, no one here likes you, not even your own girlfriend, so I am afraid I must bid you adieu.”

Helmi: “Okay, bye. I need to go home anyway.”

And with that, I will end this. Since Amal exists, that means I get points for having a kid, right? Even if it was accidental? Correct me if I’m wrong! See you next time!


Each child born: +5

Each game-induced visit from a service: -5

Total: 0

7 thoughts on “Ahead of the Game (1.2)

  1. PMSL, Exra has a harem! He could totally get them all pregnant – triplets without the infernal kids music. And since they’re all sisters, they’d have similar genetics, no?

    Anyway, Amal is pretty cute, though her eyes are freaky and glowy…and then I checked Exra’s pic at the top, and his a glowy too. Must be your default replacements. Anyway, I like, please continue!

    • seraphaeli says:

      Late reply! I kiiiinda had a feeling that she grew up way too fast to be TH, so thank you for letting me know that for sure! It’s good to know before I start playing again. :3

  2. Holy cow! This is so epic! I’m in love with this story! So many great things. In the previous chapter, I loved how you took such a big long break… right in the middle of the chapter… even graduated from community college! Then… all the game crashes! Oh, it’s SO TS3! I love it! And in this chapter! All those surprises! Amal! Wow! So epic! The secret love-child you never even knew existed. So fun. Can’t wait to catch up on this and keep up with Amal’s challenge!

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